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Best fencing materials: from classic wood and metal to modern composite fence panels

In California, you can find lots of different fences. But how to choose the most durable and cost-effective one?
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Of course, it depends on your personal preferences, as various fencing materials look different and let you create classic, modern, romantic, or strict designs. But in addition, they have different lifetime, maintenance, and installation processes and differ in price. Let’s check the best fencing materials popular and suitable for the hot California climate to find our number one.

Wood fences — old-school design

Wood fences come in diverse shapes and colors, so it’s up to you to decide how it will look. Timber comes to mind first, considering the most popular fencing materials. Wood has a fantastic texture; it perfectly suits the countryside or private houses in a classic style. Cedar is a popular choice as it is durable and stylish and is more solid than other wood types.

The main advantage of wood fences is their price. It is the most affordable option in the market. However, there is a fly in the ointment. Wood fences last up to a dozen years and require very special maintenance to keep their stylish look. You will need to fight against rot, mold, and insects and repaint the fence each 2-3 years. It is not recommended to install timber structures in humid regions, so there are better options for the southern part of California. Let’s look for a more suitable one.


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Vinyl fences — stylish classic

At first glance, vinyl fences look similar to wooden ones painted mostly white or milk. However, this fencing material is much more durable and less demanding than timber. Usually, it lasts about 20-30 years, especially in a warm and dry climate. If a vinyl fence is installed near a damp area, it may get mold or mildew, but it could be easily wiped out with water and dish soap.

Vinyl is one of the flexible fencing materials, so the design of vinyl fences is versatile. You may choose more secure options where slats are installed tightly or go for more lightweight options, for example, lattice. Even though it is often painted in light colors, it’s up to you to decide which one to choose.

On the other hand, vinyl is an expensive fencing material. Thanks to its durability, you won’t need to change it as often as a wood one, but still, the price may look high. Also, the repair is expensive, as if the panel is damaged, it should be wholly replaced. This re-roof model leads to additional spending.


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Modern composite fence — a new word in outdoor design

So, is there any way to combine the best of two words — the beauty of the wooden fence and the durability with the increased cost-effectiveness of the vinyl fence? Yes, there is one solution, and it is called the composite fence. The wood and plastic fibers inside create a perfect timber texture empowered by the durability of plastic. The modern composite fence lasts 30 to 50 years, much longer than a vinyl fence. However, the vinyl and composite fence prices are almost the same, so a composite fence sounds more cost-effective.

Composite fence panels are versatile so that anyone can choose a unique design. Moreover, it is the easiest way to recreate an eternal wooden classic with eco-friendly and modern fencing materials. In addition to the stylish design, composite fences are long-lasting, as they are irresistible to mold, rot, and insects ruining the wood fences. Moreover, they do not require special maintenance like repainting and mild cleansing.


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Iron fences — metal and solid classic

If the romantic style of wood-like fences is not your cup of tea, then you should consider metal fences, and here is when iron comes to mind. Iron fences are incredibly durable, so that you can expect a century-lasting lifespan. However, you will need proper care to keep an iron fence looking new. Occasional washing will help reduce the rottenness, but keep in mind that it is a common issue of iron fencing.

In addition, iron fences are expensive. Yes, it should be profitable to purchase a century-lasting fence in the long run, but the iron’s price is still a bit too high for an average buyer, especially if there are more profitable alternatives.


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Aluminum fence panels — the modern lightweight beauty

While composite fence panels perfectly replace short-lived wood, aluminum fence panels are a better alternative to other metal fencing materials. Compared to iron, aluminum is irresistible to rust and corrosion, so it lasts more than 50 years and doesn’t require special maintenance. An occasional wash without detergents will help keep the aluminum fence chiс and new for ages!

The modern aluminum fence panels perfectly stand southern California’s weather, so this solution will work for decades. It won’t burn out in the sun or get damaged by moisture after the next rain. Affordable and sustainable aluminum fence panels are the main product we deliver for wholesale buyers, contractors, and private clients. Are you looking for the best price? Then do not hesitate to contact the Globus Gates team — local aluminum and composite fence and gate supplier with a long list of positive customer reviews.


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